Basketball English #11

escalate (v.) to become or make something greater, worse, more serious, etc
escalate into something, The fighting escalated into a full-scale war 此戰鬥轉變為全面性戰爭

escalator 手扶梯
elevator 電梯

in the lane 在禁區,lane/painted area/paint 都可稱作禁區

throw punches 揮拳揍人

pick-and-roll 擋切戰術
pick 單擋掩護 =~ screen
set pick for XXX 為 XXX 做單擋掩護
give-and-go 傳切戰術(給別人球然後跑)

dribble (v.) (in football ( soccer ) and some other sports) to move the ball along with several short kicks, hits or bounces 運球
double dribble 兩次運球

He dribbled past two defenders and scored a magnificent goal 他運球連過兩人並得分

penetration (n.) the act or process of making a way into or through something 突破,滲透
The floor is sealed to prevent water penetration 地板被封住以防止漏水
the company's successful penetration of overseas markets 公司成功切入海外市場

You name it 總而言之 (隨你怎麼說)

dribble penetration 帶球切入

draw defense 吸引別人的防守
這邊的 draw 當作 to attract or interest somebody 之意

short-handed 人手短缺
was sidelined 被要求坐在場邊 (sideline)

charley horse 筋肉僵硬,抽筋 (美語) = cramp (英語)
a sudden pain that you get when the muscles in a particular part of your body contract, usually caused by cold or too much exercise
to get a cramp (charley horse) in your leg

stagnant (adj.) 停滯不前,毫無進展,原地踏步
* stagnant water or air is not moving and therefore smells unpleasant
* not developing, growing or changing = static
a stagnant economy 停滯不前的經濟

scratch and claw 拼勁十足

raised the bar
bar 指柵欄,提起柵欄代表排除障礙,可以前進了

elite (n.)(adj.) a group of people in a society, etc. who are powerful and have a lot of influence, because they are rich, intelligent, etc

an elite team 強隊
an elite military 強大的軍隊

clean the glass 搶籃板,因為籃板是以玻璃纖維 (fiberglass) 製成,故 (擦玻璃) 引申為搶籃板
hang in there 堅持下去 (在那兒定住)

press 媒體,新聞界
asinine (adj.) stupid or silly 驢子的想法 = ridiculous
an asinine and insane thought 既驢且瘋的想法

have a long memory 有長久的記憶,深深記得
recall 回想
回想不可用 remember,它是強調 "記住" 而不是回想

antics (n.) behaviour which is silly and funny in a way that people usually like

romp (n.) an easy victory in a sports competition 運動比賽中輕易的獲勝
They won in a 5–1 romp 他們以 5 比 1 輕鬆獲勝

utter (adj.) used to emphasize how complete something is 一整個,完全的
That's complete and utter nonsense! 這一整個 nonsense

utter (v.) to make a sound with your voice; to say something 說
utter something = say something

deficit (n.) the amount by which money spent or owed is greater than money earned in a particular period of time

surplus (n.) 盈餘

a sound that people make to show that they do not like an actor, speaker, etc
The speech was greeted with loud boos from the audience

snowballing effect 雪球效應

