Basketball English #10
claw (n.) 鳥、動物的爪子
claw (v.) to scratch or tear somebody/something with claws or with your nails
do your role plus 比自己扮演的角色更好,有突出的表現
seal the victory 確保勝利
My lips are sealed 我會保密
seal (n.) 海狗,海獅,印章,印鑑
taunt (v.) to try to make somebody angry or upset by saying unkind things about them, laughing at their failures, etc
taunt somebody 嘰笑,糗
The other kids continually taunted him about his size 其它孩子持續笑他的肥胖
swish (v.) to move quickly through the air in a way that makes a soft sound; to make something do this
(擬聲字) 發出像唰的一聲,唰唰地揮動
The pony swished its tail 小馬搖牠的尾巴
swish the foul shots 罰球空心中的
inbound pass 發界外球,由界外傳球入界內
ensue (v.) to happen after or as a result of another event = follow
ensuing = following
the go-ahead basket 兩隊比數拉鋸時,一隊投入一球而使得該隊領先至終場,該球即稱之
in the paint = in the painted area 在禁區內
contend (v.) to say that something is true, especially in an argument = maintain
lax (adj.) not strict, severe or careful enough about work, rules or standards of behaviour
對工作、規矩…等不夠嚴謹,鬆散的,不嚴格的 = slack = careless
a lax attitude to health and safety regulations 對健康與安全規定鬆散的態度
officiate (v.) to act as an official in charge of something, especially a sports event
(運動比賽中) 裁判執法
officiate (at) something
officiate (at) the game 在比賽中執法
vulnerable (adj.) weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally
Old people are particularly vulnerable to the flu 老年人易感染流感
have trouble/difficulty + Ving