TI AM335x: Thread 呼叫 QMutex.lock() 後就卡住

程式 scheduling 設成 SCHED_RR。情況是這樣,有一個 thread 它是要接收從 socket 過來的資料,它平常是 block 等待在 accept。當有請求來了之後,會接收,然後使用 QMutex.lock() 嘗試取得一個共享資源。但這樣的程式碼,在 console 下直接執行程式都沒有問題。然而程式如果是由 init.d 中的 script 叫起來,該 thread 就會卡在 QMutex.lock() 之中。

按照經驗,看起來又是這個 thread 被 scheduling 切走之後,就再也回不來了。通常我都會先嘗試呼叫 sleep 0s 讓它 timing 稍微不一樣,來看看是不是可以解決。再試果然就不會卡住了。但為什麼呢?為了更詳細地看到底發生何事,我嘗試用 ftrace 的技巧來看看發生了什麼。

首先讓程式在 init.d 中被執行,發現該 thread 最後一個 syscall 是 sys_enter_futex,接著 scheduling 就把這個 thread 切走,執行其它 thread 了。所以我的猜測沒錯,它呼叫了 futex 之後,就卡住了。

再來一樣在 init.d 中執行程式,但是在取得 QMutex.lock() 之前先 sleep 0s 一下。透過 trace-cmd 看結果,發現 sys_enter_futex 沒有被呼叫到!該 thread 很快樂地做 QMutex.lock() 之後要做的事情。

一開始我很困惑,這與我想像的不同。於是我翻出 qt source code 來看,經過一翻頭昏腦脹之後,總算稍微看到為什麼了。

首先 QMutex 的實作在


之中。我們看看它的 lock() 實作:

void QMutex::lock() QT_MUTEX_LOCK_NOEXCEPT
    QMutexData *current;
    if (fastTryLock(current))
    if (QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(isRecursive)(current))
        static_cast<QRecursiveMutexPrivate *>(current)->lock(-1);


第一個被叫到的是 fastTryLock,它是一個 inline 函式:

inline bool fastTryLock(QMutexData *&current) Q_DECL_NOTHROW {
        return d_ptr.testAndSetAcquire(0, dummyLocked(), current);


這個 d_ptr 是:

QBasicAtomicPointer<QMutexData> d_ptr;

好,它是 qt 一個 atomic pointer。fastTryLock 又再呼叫了 testAndSetAcquire。另外還有 dummyLocked():

bool testAndSetAcquire(Type expectedValue, Type newValue, Type &currentValue) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
    { return Ops::testAndSetAcquire(_q_value, expectedValue, newValue, &currentValue); }

static inline QMutexData *dummyLocked() {
        return reinterpret_cast<QMutexData *>(quintptr(1));





 * QBasicMutex implementation on Linux with futexes
 * QBasicMutex contains one pointer value, which can contain one of four
 * different values:
 *    0x0       unlocked, non-recursive mutex
 *    0x1       locked non-recursive mutex, no waiters
 *    0x3       locked non-recursive mutex, at least one waiter
 *   > 0x3      recursive mutex, points to a QMutexPrivate object
 * LOCKING (non-recursive):
 * A non-recursive mutex starts in the 0x0 state, indicating that it's
 * unlocked. When the first thread attempts to lock it, it will perform a
 * testAndSetAcquire from 0x0 to 0x1. If that succeeds, the caller concludes
 * that it successfully locked the mutex. That happens in fastTryLock().
 * If that testAndSetAcquire fails, QBasicMutex::lockInternal is called.
 * lockInternal will examine the value of the pointer. Otherwise, it will use
 * futexes to sleep and wait for another thread to unlock. To do that, it needs
 * to set a pointer value of 0x3, which indicates that thread is waiting. It
 * does that by a simple fetchAndStoreAcquire operation.
 * If the pointer value was 0x0, it means we succeeded in acquiring the mutex.
 * For other values, it will then call FUTEX_WAIT and with an expected value of
 * 0x3.
 * If the pointer value changed before futex(2) managed to sleep, it will
 * return -1 / EWOULDBLOCK, in which case we have to start over. And even if we
 * are woken up directly by a FUTEX_WAKE, we need to acquire the mutex, so we
 * start over again.
 * UNLOCKING (non-recursive):
 * To unlock, we need to set a value of 0x0 to indicate it's unlocked. The
 * first attempt is a testAndSetRelease operation from 0x1 to 0x0. If that
 * succeeds, we're done.
 * If it fails, unlockInternal() is called. The only possibility is that the
 * mutex value was 0x3, which indicates some other thread is waiting or was
 * waiting in the past. We then set the mutex to 0x0 and perform a FUTEX_WAKE.


重點我用紅字標出來。它說一個 non-recursive (就像我們用的) 會先利用 testAndSetAcquire 判斷值是不是 0,如果是則將它設為 1,代表 lock 取得了。如果值一開始不是 1,代表已有人取到這個 lock,所以接下來就會呼叫 lockInternal()。

看到這邊有個小概念產生,qt 內部的 lock 事實上是對一個 atomic pointer 做操作。如果它是 0,代表沒人用,於是 qt 就將它設成 1,代表有人用了。由於是 atomic 操作,所以可以保證是 thread-safe 的。那有人用的情況之下,才會再進而呼叫 lockInternal()。那這個函式的實作是:

void QBasicMutex::lockInternal() Q_DECL_NOTHROW


template <bool IsTimed> static inline
bool lockInternal_helper(QBasicAtomicPointer<QMutexData> &d_ptr, int timeout = -1, QElapsedTimer *elapsedTimer = 0) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
    if (!IsTimed)
        timeout = -1;
    // we're here because fastTryLock() has just failed
    if (timeout == 0)
        return false;
    struct timespec ts, *pts = 0;
    if (IsTimed && timeout > 0) {
        ts.tv_sec = timeout / 1000;
        ts.tv_nsec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000 * 1000;

    // the mutex is locked already, set a bit indicating we're waiting
    while (d_ptr.fetchAndStoreAcquire(dummyFutexValue()) != 0) {
        if (IsTimed && pts == &ts) {
            // recalculate the timeout
            qint64 xtimeout = qint64(timeout) * 1000 * 1000;
            xtimeout -= elapsedTimer->nsecsElapsed();
            if (xtimeout <= 0) {
                // timer expired after we returned
                return false;
            ts.tv_sec = xtimeout / Q_INT64_C(1000) / 1000 / 1000;
            ts.tv_nsec = xtimeout % (Q_INT64_C(1000) * 1000 * 1000);
        if (IsTimed && timeout > 0)
            pts = &ts;
        // successfully set the waiting bit, now sleep
        int r = _q_futex(&d_ptr, FUTEX_WAIT, quintptr(dummyFutexValue()), pts);
        if (IsTimed && r != 0 && errno == ETIMEDOUT)
            return false;
        // we got woken up, so try to acquire the mutex
        // note we must set to dummyFutexValue because there could be other threads
        // also waiting

    return true;


static inline int _q_futex(void *addr, int op, int val, const struct timespec *timeout) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
    volatile int *int_addr = reinterpret_cast<volatile int *>(addr);
    int_addr++; //We want a pointer to the 32 least significant bit of QMutex::d
    int *addr2 = 0;
    int val2 = 0;

    // we use __NR_futex because some libcs (like Android's bionic) don't
    // provide SYS_futex etc.
    return syscall(__NR_futex, int_addr, op | futexFlags(), val, timeout, addr2, val2);


Bingo!lockInternal() 最後是呼叫 sys_enter_futex 的 syscall 無誤。

看到這邊,就可以回過來解釋為什麼同樣是 QMutex.lock(),在 trace-cmd 結果中卻不一定會看見 sys_enter_futex 這個 syscall。因為如果該 QMutex 還未被佔用,則不需要呼叫 sys_enter_futex 啊!

但是,看到這裡仍然無法解釋,為何呼叫了 sys_enter_futex 之後就卡住了。只能說我們在 lock() 之前先 sleep 0s,造成原本佔用此 QMutex 的情形消失了,於是我們就很順利地取得 lock,接著做要做的事。


